Minhaz Ahmed

Coach & Creator Of Quantum Leap.

7 years ago I discovered ‘The Secret’ at the lowest point of my life. I kept asking myself ‘why didn’t they teach me this in school?!’ I just couldn’t believe it. Why did I have to wait till I was 18, at the lowest point of my life, full of anxiety, with no hope, no dreams, a college dropout, homebound for 2 years and now I discover that anything is possible? This led me down a path that I am truly grateful for. At first, I started with my confidence. I pushed myself to do things I never thought I would do, I filmed all of it not knowing why. One step after another, one fear after another, one limitation after another, I was determined to make every impossible, possible! I promised God one thing, if this is true I swear to God I will spend the rest of my life spreading this to every corner of the world. This is more than just manifesting your dreams, but to create a new earth. I call it Gods work! Alhamdullilah.
Picture of Minhaz Ahmed